Explore our cruise ship deck plans to discover all norwegian jewel has to offer on your next cruise vacation. All staterooms are equipped with flatpanel television, dvd player, minibar, minisafe, data port, telephone and multichannel music. View noordam deck plans to learn more about locations for staterooms, venues, dining locations and more on each deck. The following is a listing of all the cabins we have pictures or videos for on this deck for this ship and also on the sister ships. The ms noordam also has a basketball court and a volleyball court where you can hone your game under the wideopen sky. Learn more about holland america noordam deck plans and cabins, ship activities including dining and entertainment, and sailing itineraries to help you plan your next cruise vacation. Noordam cabin vb5047 category vb verandah stateroom. Sail norwegian jewel and discover the excitement of freestyle cruising. The deck plans are colorcoded by category of stateroom, and the category letter precedes the. Find cruise deck plans and diagrams for holland america noordam. Find details and photos of holland america noordam cruise ship on tripadvisor. Browse all 32 types of noordam cabins and staterooms.
The deck plans are colorcoded by category of stateroom, and the category letter precedes. Take a brisk walk on the teak promenade deck or just relax with an afternoon cocktail. Explore the worlds wonders through bbc earth experiences. Book a cabin, navigate holland america noordam, or locate amenities on each deck. Holland america line s ship noordam offers regional cooking demonstrations and food and wine tastings with exc port to table programming. Noordam deck plans, diagrams, pictures, video cruise deck plans. Links for cabins pictures are a membership feature and are limited on the public site. Holland america noordam deck 1, main deck cruise critic. Click on any highlighted link to view pictures andor videos video available.
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